Sunday, October 19, 2014

10/18/14 YP. Jaguars vs. CYA Raiders 13-6


October 18, 2014 YP Jaguars Pee-wee team faced a league opponent who was one level ahead of them in the standings the CYA Raiders. The final score was 13-6, but the game was not nearly as close as the score. YP marched down the field the majority of the game, but 4 fumbles nearly cost them the game. Luckily the Jaguars recovered 3 of the 4 fumbles. Execution was pretty good despite being down two starters.  The game featured a dynamic running attack lead by the FOUR HORSEMEN (Damoni, Jamauri, Ki, & Jalen). The FOUR HORSEMEN accounted for 2 touchdowns and an extra point. Not to mention multiple runs of 20+ yards. The running could not have been as good as it was without the LINEMEN, which is the key to our offense. (Shout out to Branden, D.T., Patrick, C.K., and Mysonne). Those guys fired off the ball and open key lanes for our runners. Defensively the pee-wees once again looked stout by holding the Raiders to 1 first down and 0 touchdowns. Pressure was the key once again with the LINE once again leading the way. (Big shout out to Dooley, Doont, C.K. D.T. Patrick. Tra, G, Marquez, Stokes, and RJ). Those guys may not play as much as they like but their impact is a big help to what we do, STAY READY!!!!!!!. The only touchdown given up was on a kick return, after the return the kicking team would not let up again.  Great Game all pee-wees and thanks to all the parents who showed up, participated, and brought their kids to practice and the games. Again THANK YOU!!!!!              

DO WORK!!!!!!!!

Highlights coming soon!!!!! 

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